Pro Train In Truth Membership

There is both calculated AND immeasurable benefits to getting into the Scriptures everyday!

YET- applying God's Word to the daily messy moments can be such a challenge...


Train In Truth gives practical tools to do that very thing. Because the victorious life that Christ came to give should be actualized!

Our resources are built to be meaty, providing depth, YET easy to digest & implement into the daily routine.

Living, and feeling, like more than a conqueror is possible. In body, mind, emotion & spirit. We want to show you how.



Maintaining a "Quiet Time"

ritual can be hard.

MAYBE- Even though you love God

◒ There doesn't seem to be enough time in the day

◒ You know the Bible well, and you're just eager for something different & new in your Spiritual walk.

◒ The Bible seems to be written in a different language...

it's hard to understand

◒ It's hard to relate the Bible to your actual life.

◒ The energy to get into it just escapes you.

◒ Bible Studies require homework, babysitters & $$$

Master The Discipline of Prioritizing Jesus

TinT Pro offers training that is:

◒ Only 15 minutes daily

◒ Fun & Relatable

◒ Filled With Application For The Messy Everyday

◒ Get's straight to the meat and leaves out the fluff

◒ Totally Affordable

◒ Amazing community with great challenges

Watch the Spiritual Fruit Flourish!

As you engage with Train In Truth you'll notice:

◒ Your ability to live more powerfully (confident & stable) in your everyday moments

◒ The way you've started to move with grace and joy

◒ consistent"aha!" moments in the understanding of Scripture

◒ An Eagerness to open your Bible

◒ Crazy new intimate love for an awestriking God

Resources Included In The Pro Membership:

The Crown & Sword E*Course!

Walk through the Crown & Sword Curriculum digitally. Includes video chapters, Scripture links, & Digging Deeper modules .

Get daily soul training. Strength train with a theme scripture weekly, stretch with journal prompts, core condition with context & burn off fat (aka lies).

This Soul Training will equip you to navigate any attacks fear might bring your way & establish TRUTH in you.

Take 20 days with God to pinpoint &

set the navigation of your life towards

where you're called to focus in the season you are in!

Train to renew your mind daily!

Watch the video lesson and use the printout included to implement the rewiring of the brain for TRUTH.

Watch short daily devotionals to walk through the journey of advent with the the mind, emotions & will set on Truth!

A five session course with major pre & post party bonuses to break up that affair with sugar...

This mini-course provides resources to boost the immune system in order to fight the good fight well!

Five sessions of LIVE replays!

All about being an overcomer.

Casual, yet in depth, conversations about the Armor of God!

SO many Live-stream recordings with topics ranging from depression to gluten.

A handful of Christine's favorite main courses, treats, & sides!

Join the Accountability Group!

We'd love to welcome to the Train In Truth Accountability Group, an exclusive extension of our transformative training designed to help you conquer every aspect of your life with strength and grace. This is not just an accountability group; it’s a community of like-minded Christian women committed to pursuing holistic wellness for body, soul, and spirit.

What to Expect:

Daily Support and Encouragement:

Connect with fellow warriors who will cheer you on, pray with you, and hold you accountable as you strive to honor God with your body and spirit.

Exclusive Content:

Receive tailored wellness tips, Scripture-based devotionals, and practical advice to help you apply biblical principles to your health journey.

Live Wellness Sessions:

Participate in weekly live sessions where we delve deep into all the training topics inside the Headquarters

Personalized Check-ins:

Benefit from regular check-ins that ensure you stay on track with your goals, offering personalized support and guidance every step of the way.

Why Join?

The Accountability Group is perfect for those who are serious about transforming their lives.

It’s an opportunity to dig deeper into the teachings of our trainings, to cultivate discipline and resilience, and to emerge as a stronger, healthier,

and more spiritually empowered woman.

Join us today and step into a supportive, faith-filled community where you’ll be inspired to live out 2 Timothy 1:7:

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and discipline." Embrace your journey to wellness with the heart of a warrior!


Just $57 a month

One Time Purchases: