From Burnout to Breakthrough:

Biblical Wellness That Works

the 12-part framework to restore your energy, balance your mind & align with God’s best for you


** Whether You're Starting Fresh or Starting Over, This is for You

No prior wellness experience needed—just a desire to feel strong, clear, and aligned with God’s design of you.

What's Included?

✔️ Strategy for consistent energy

✔️ Tools to have Ninja focus instead of brain fog

✔️ Everything you need to have a sense of balance in life




Ready To FEEL Like More Than A Conqueror?!

You have been given the abundant life.

But maybe your life feels more like this...

+ Days filled with anxiety

+ Chronic headaches or joint pain

+ Waking up feeling purposeless and apathetic

+ Struggling to sleep enough or sleep well

+ Experiencing brain fog and fatigue in the afternoons

+ Struggling to claim God’s promises

+ Confused about what to eat to feel your best

+ Craving connection with others who want optimal health

+ Curious about what God has to say about physical health

Whole Wellness = Abundant Strength

The gut is connected to the brain which produces our thoughts...

The thoughts we have produce our feelings...

Those thoughts + feelings propel our choices...

Our Choices Create Our Reality.

May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our

Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23

It is ABSOLUTELY possible to feel energetic, powerful, graceful and strong... but I didn't always believe that...

“I love the Lord SO MUCH, but I'm struggling to keep up with life, and my body seems to be betraying me." -me 2009

If you're anything like me, you have experienced...

✔️ Exhaustion with normal everyday activities

✔️Using food to feel happy

✔️Overwhelm by too much nutritional advice

✔️Prayers that seem unanswered

I totally get it.

I’ll never forget my breakthrough. It was the moment I noticed:

✨My energy was consistent

✨I was able to laugh without forcing it

✨Brain fog had turned into focus

❤It was the day I fell in love with my life!

How I found what works...

Here's the story:

"I'm passionate about Training the Truth of Scripture in a practical & doable way! Equipping women to confidently live out their unique destiny- in the victory God gives!"

-Christine Jaynes

There was a season of brokenness that had me dragging my body along. I thought it was just the life I had... and I would need to deal with it.

Later I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and while it helped to explain a lot about what I'd been experiencing but the medicine only helped so much. (And perhaps even contributed to some of my ailments...)

Realizing that my whole body, soul, and spirit needed to be engaged for me to truly experience the abundant life of joy, energy, and contentment that God offers was what led me to where I am today.

I seriously tried so many things to feel better. It wasn't until I stumbled upon someone who was able to coach me through these things that I began to experience real healing.

And SO! That's why I've created Warrior Wellness. I want to go a step further than any other wellness coaching program out there and teach with Scripture--Spirit-led and Biblically based!

I know God wants you to experience freedom and contentment in your body, emotions and thoughts. He is offering you victory right where you are!

Linking Arms

Linking arms with others through the journey of life is the best way to learn. Don't you think?!

I've partnered with certified Nutritional Therapist, Laura Jean Davis, in creating this coaching program strategically to equip you!

Laura knows that we were all created uniquely, so she focuses on teaching us how to tap into our God-given intuition when it comes to what we feed ourselves.

"As an avid researcher and health educator, my goal is to inform, inspire and empower you toward unleashing your inner health expert. What you're about to learn as you begin this journey is that everything you need to know to thrive is already in your pocket...

You just have to dig deep. And of course, cut out all that obnoxious, chaotic noise within the health space. (Dude! Can we just?!?) That's where I come in... Are you ready to make THE health change in your life that will literally change everything? Well then, let's get started."

"We're all born with a mad

sense of intuition, and

my goal is to inspire you toward

unleashing your inner health expert."

-Laura Jean Davis, NTP

Don't let your body take you out of the fight.

What most people do when facing fatigue, stress, or body insecurity is try to muster up more willpower, hire personal trainers or specialists, go on the latest trendy diet, or assume their bodies are their crosses to bear and just do nothing.

But for most people, none of that works.


Most diets are unsustainable.

Think about it!

You've tried the diets & protocols, you've got the Pinterest boards & a stack of books collecting dust...

How many times have you rolled the dice on a new system for your physical health?

Pitting willpower against biology is a recipe for failure...


Expensive personal training sessions have you running out of $$$ before you see results... and even if the results show up, they don't last and prove to be unsustainable.


Addressing your physical needs, but neglecting mental, emotional & spiritual health can lead to resentment or apathy. Addressing the whole of our triune being is essential for a life of abundance.


Doing nothing gets you nowhere.

Continuing to do the same thing over and over and hoping for different results keeps you out of the fight. Fighting the good fight of faith and running the race to win means adapting & changing course when necessary!

What if you had a step-by-step, proven method you needed to live the victorious life?!

Who is Warrior Wellness for?


✨ You are ready to simmer down & not feel so stressed

✨You are done with fad diets & being overwhelmed about nutrition

✨You are ready to stop feeling powerless in your circumstances

✨You want to sleep goooood

✨ You are ready to make depression & anxiety disappear

✨You are done with chronic pain

✨You are ready to nix the toxins in your life

✨You want to know how to exercise & be lean without living at the gym

✨You want to love your body

✨You want to be engage in & implement God's Word in your everyday life


✔ You always have a great mindset & are super intentional

✔ You are mostly at ease & don't really stress about things

✔ Your body's nutritional needs are already met

✔ You sleep great

✔ You're dedicated to the products you use even if they're toxic

✔ You have completely mastered the non-toxic life

✔ You do not experience any chronic pain

✔ You are confident & secure in your body

✔ Your hormones are balanced

✔ You do not like the Bible

✔ You have a solid Bible study routine and great fellowship with the Spirit

For The Woman Who Loves Jesus

& Wants To Feel Like More Than A Conqueror.

The starting point is often similar, but when we toss in personalization for the journey…

The recipe for a complete turnaround is discovered!

Typically, it doesn't take long before clients start noticing:

+ Consistent energy

+ Ninja focus instead of brain fog

+ A sense of balance in life

It's Your Turn

When you join the Warrior Wellness program today, you will learn…

+ How to stop breaking promises to yourself

+ What foods you've been eating that are secretly sabotaging your goals

+ How to work with your body and your environment instead of against them

+ The SIMPLEST way to eat to fully nourish your body with the maximum amount of nutrition

+ What factors are causing serious hormone disruption in your body and what to do about it

+ How to work with your hormones day to day, week to week

+ The single most impactful thing you can do TODAY to better your health and longevity

+ How to transform your sleep experience

+ The benefits of a restorative workout and why sprinters are healthier than marathoners

+ What chemical toxins may be in your home and what to use instead

+ How to identify your insecurities about your self and what to do about it

You'll get access to a 2-week Quickstart, 10-module in-app training, 12-weeks of Facebook LIVES, the printable Warrior Wellness e-workbook, nutrition planning tools, coaching calls, access to a personal nutritionist, a community of other Wellness Warriors & more.

What People Are Saying

"Thank you, Christine, for your courage and obedience to the Lord, and teaching the Word so well."

-Rhonda R


"Laura is passionate about the health and well-being of the Body of Christ, as is Christine. As an avid student, not only of the Word, but of the numerous areas regarding health, she shares her wealth of information in a unique way. She is so encouraging and helpful as she shares her journey to wellness and works hard to help you do the same."

-S. Hayward

"Love Christine, she's a woman of God!!! She's always so uplifting and can give guidance with few words. That's just how amazing she is! She is just and always speaks truth."

-Steffany M.


"Christine is right on with the Word and very encouraging!" -C.Blowers


"Working with Christine was liberating."


"Laura is well researched and allows the Lord to direct her focus and reveal the truth. She doesn't sell a one-size-fits-all program to everyone. She understands that every person is created differently and everybody has different needs. Her passion makes her the perfect fit to teach all things nutrition related."

- Toni M.


"I love listening to Christine. She helps me open my eyes to be a better person every day"

- Jessica

We Want You To Be Completely Confident In Your Investment!


How is this different than all the other diets and programs out there?

We address mental, emotional, & spiritual well-being in a liberating way!

We don't hold back when it comes to Biblical truth and lay it all on the table when it comes to what is best for the body.

God made each person so uniquely--and the truth is, there is no single formula for success in this lifetime...

Aside from the almighty saving power and grace of Jesus, that is. That is why we aim to personalize this experience as much as possible!

Christine, how do I know I'll even like you & Laura?

Ok, valid question! How about we hang out a little bit?

You can see the Warrior Wellness Master Class (3 info-packed videos with both Laura & me) HERE

I'm not looking for a big huge diet shift--I already eat well. Is this worth my investment of time & money?

Warrior Wellness does address nutrition. As you probably know, it's a huge part of functioning well as a human!

Both a Healing Nutritional Protocol and a Basic Nutritional Plan are included.

This program also addresses:

+ Mindset

+ Stress Management

+ Sleep

+ Toxins

+ Hormones

+ Exercise

+ Body Image

Scripture and Biblical teaching is woven in throughout the whole program!

I have a chronic illness. Will this program be good for me?

While we don't claim to be doctors or know how to address all the health issues out there, we believe that implementing what is covered within this program will equip any person (chronic illness or not) to thrive!

A Couple of Nutritional Plan are included- with the option to get a personalized plan from Laura Davis NPT.

The personal interaction component of Warrior Wellness is going to be critical for you. If you have more questions, don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

I'm super busy... How much time does this require daily?

And how long will it take to go through this program?

Warrior Wellness is designed to be completed in 3 months. It's not the modules that take long, but rather your investment lies in building new skills & adopting an entirely new mindset. That requires practice in your daily life. The program itself won't require much time daily/weekly outside of your normal activities.

You can plan for 5 minutes daily for the first two weeks of the Quickstart. Afterward, plan for about 60-90 minutes spread throughout the week to complete the rest of the modules. (To consume the program content within the 3-month window.)

There are LIVE trainings recorded that are about 40-60 minutes.

Just fill out your info below to get everything on this page ⇩

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You Have A Choice To Make

Option # 1:

Keep doing what you're doing. You know where that leads.

Option # 2:

Take a new action, get a new result.

Live like the royal warrior you were made to be. Join the Warrior Wellness Movement.

Which will you choose?



*The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.

The information on this website and services provided by Train in Truth are not intended to serve as medical advice. Information provided is for informational purposes only and represents the opinions formed by Christine Jaynes & contributors based on our experiences & the experience of those we have worked with, alongside independent research. .